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  • Larkin Gallery.
  • Auction catalogs.
  • Freer, Charles Lang,
     MARC Display
    A few examples of oriental art, illustrated in colour selcted from the Larkin Gallery, 104, New Bond Street, W., consisting of blue and white famille verte, famille rose, and monochrome porcelains, pottery, bronzes, cloisonne, Hardstones, Rugs, etc.
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    Larkin Gallery.
    A few examples of oriental art, illustrated in colour selcted from the Larkin Gallery, 104, New Bond Street, W., consisting of blue and white famille verte, famille rose, and monochrome porcelains, pottery, bronzes, cloisonne, Hardstones, Rugs, etc.
    London : Larkin Gallery, [19--]
    Also available online.
    Local Note: 
    SI 3078
    Freer Library copy formerly owned by Charles Lang Freer.
    Auction catalogs.
    Added Author: 
    Freer, Charles Lang, 1854-1919, former owner.
    Copy/Holding information
    Call No.CollectionBarcodeStatus 
    Auction 214 (Internet)Electronic Resourcesh838799CatalogedRequest Copy
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    Auction 214Freer Sackler Main39088017682311Checked InRequest Copy
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