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  • Lesson, R. P.
  • Zoology
  • Natural history
  • Prêtre, Jean Gabriel,
  • Berry, S. Stillman
     MARC Display
    Centurie zoologique, ou, Choix d'animaux rares, nouveaux ou imparfaitement connus : enrichi de planches inédites, dessinées d'après nature par M. Prêtre, gravées et coloriées avec le plus grand soin / / par R.P. Lesson.
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    Lesson, R. P. (René Primevère), 1794-1849.
    Centurie zoologique, ou, Choix d'animaux rares, nouveaux ou imparfaitement connus : enrichi de planches inédites, dessinées d'après nature par M. Prêtre, gravées et coloriées avec le plus grand soin / / par R.P. Lesson.
    Paris ; Strasbourg : Chez F.G. Levrault ; Bruxelles : Librairie parisienne, 1830-1832.
    x, [1], 12-244 p., 80 leaves of plates : ill. (etchings) ; 25 cm.
    Full Text: 


    Issued in 16 parts.
    "According to the Bibliographie de la France the dates of publication of the several parts were: livr. 1 (2 sh.) 20 March 1830; livr. 2 (2 sh.) 2 October, 1830; livr. 3 (1 sh.) 29 January, 1831; livr. 6-8 (3 sh.) 9 July, 1831; livr. 13-16 (3 1/4 s.) 19 May, 1832" --BM (Nat. hist.).
    Engravers include Coutant; Guyard; Leleu; Mme. Massard; Mlle. Massard; Mlle. Perrot; Talbaux (Talbot); and Victor. Plates printed by Langlois.
    "Strasbourg, de l'imprimerie de F.G. Levrault"--Verso of half title.
    Also available online.
    Bibliography Note: 
    Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
    Cited/Indexed in: 
    BM (Nat. hist), v. 3, p. 1096
    Nissen, C. Zoologische Buchillustration, 2461
    Local Note: 
    SCNHRB has two copies, one incomplete.
    SCNHRB c. 1 (39088015066335) has uncolored plates.
    SCNHRB c. 1 has stamp on front paste-down: S. Stillman Berry ... Redlands, California; date added in ms. ink: 10.III.1967.
    SCNHRB c. 1 has bookplate on box: Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Bequest of S. Stillman Berry. Gift of Clyde Roper.
    SCNHRB c. 1 has pencilled annotations in Berry's hand on back paste-down endpaper, concerning copies of this work featured in catalogs from Wheldon & Wesley and Quaritch.
    SCNHRB c. 1 in original publisher's printed gray paper boards; "1832" in imprint and printed on spine; publisher's advertisements on back cover; uncut; housed in an archival cardboard box.
    SCNHRB c. 2 (39088015066376) imperfect: lacking t.p. and other preliminaries (x, [1]), of text p. 12-17, 220-244, and plates 76-80; other missing pages (as well as t.p.) supplied in typescript.
    SCNHRB c. 2 has uncolored plates.
    SCNHRB c. 2 typescript t.p. stamped: Smithsonian Institution U.S. National Museum [ms. acc. no.] 283856.
    SCNHRB c. 2 bound in green library buckram, title in gilt on spine, marbled edges and endpapers.
    Zoology -- Pictorial works.
    Natural history -- Classification.
    Added Author: 
    Prêtre, Jean Gabriel, illustrator.
    Berry, S. Stillman (Samuel Stillman), 1887-1984, former owner.
    Added Title: 
    Centurie zoologique
    Choix d'animaux rares, nouveaux ou imparfaitement connus
    Catalog Source No.: 
    Copy/Holding information
    Call No.CollectionBarcodeStatusCopy Statement 
    QL46 .L62X 1830 (Internet)Electronic Resourcesh558078Cataloged Request Copy
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    QL46 .L62X 1830Cullman Library Rare Books39088015066335Checked Inc. 1Request Copy
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    QL46 .L62X 1830Cullman Library Rare Books39088015066376Checked Inc. 2Request Copy
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