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  • Wheatley, Phillis,
  • American poetry -- African American authors
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    Poems on various subjects, religious and moral. / By Phillis Wheatley, Negro servant to Mr. John Wheatley, of Boston, in New England.
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    Wheatley, Phillis, 1753-1784
    Poems on various subjects, religious and moral. / By Phillis Wheatley, Negro servant to Mr. John Wheatley, of Boston, in New England.
    London, Printed for A. Bell, bookseller, Aldgate; and sold by Messrs. Cox and Berry, King-street, Boston, 1773.
    v, [2], [9]-124, [4] pages. frontispiece portrait. 18 cm
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    Frontispiece is an engraved portrait of the author.
    "Published ... Septr. 1st, 1773 by Archd. Bell, bookseller no. 8 near the Saracens Head Aldgate."--Frontispiece.
    Also available online.
    Local Note: 
    SCDIRB and AAPGPRP each have a copy.
    SCDIRB copy (PS866 .W4 1773 SCDIRB) has barcode 39088001607027.
    AAPGPRP copy (CT275 .W557A1 AAPGPRP; barcode 39088001607019) is shelved in the National Portrait Gallery's Department of Prints and Photographs.
    AAPGPRP copy has some foxing on the paper.
    American poetry -- African American authors
    Catalog Source No.: 
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    Call No.CollectionBarcodeStatus 
    PS866 .W4 1773 (Internet)Electronic Resourcese42569CatalogedRequest Copy
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    PS866 .W4 1773Special Collections (Dibner)39088001607027Checked InRequest Copy
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